YARC Worked All YARC Zones (WAYZ) Contest Event

The Inaugural Young Amateurs Radio Club
Worked All YARC Zones (WAYZ)

The Young Amateurs Radio Club is proud to present the inaugural Worked All YARC Zones event! From September 1st to September 15th, YARC members in all ten US call districts will activate the WY4RC call and get on the air! Operators around the world are encouraged to make contact with these young amateur operators, and awards will be given to operators who can work a majority or all of the WY4RC stations! 

How can I work all YARC Zones?

Keep your eyes and ears peeled for WY4RC on the air! YARC will maintain an on-air page to assist with finding YARC stations. Make a contact with each WY4RC station and submit your serial numbers to receive an award.

How can I operate WY4RC?

Young Amateurs in the US are welcome to join in activating during this event! Please join our discord and read below to find out how to get involved:

  1. Join the Discord at discord.gg/yarc
  2. Join the WAYZ-Worked All YARC Zones channel
  3. Read the operator rules
  4. Sign up for a timeslot

Full Event Rules:

  1. Operating Period: 1800 UTC 1 September 2022 through 1800 UTC 15 September 2022
    • There are no operating time restrictions in any category.
  2. Contacts
    • Any band between 160m to 275GHz may be used for this event
    • Each WY4RC station can be contacted on different bands, but credit towards the all zones award will only be given for the first contact with each unique WY4RC station.
    • Example: You contact WY4RC/2 on 20m and 15m. This would count as the /2 entry towards working each station
  3. Contest Exchange
    • The required exchange is for contactors to copy the serial number given by the WY4RC station. Serial numbers will start with the US call zone, but may change based on the number of contacts made by each zone
  4.  Scoring
      • Each contact with a unique WY4RC station counts towards the Worked All Zones award.
      • For example, contacting WY4RC/2 on 20m and 15m would only count once towards the award.
      • Each contact with a WY4RC station on a unique band and/or mode will earn one point towards a leaderboard
  5.  Awards
    • Online certificates will be available to all eligible participants. This includes:
      • Operators who work at least 6 WY4RC stations
      • Operators who work all 10 WY4RC stations
      • Youth operators who activate a WY4RC station
  1. Log Submission – https://shorturl.at/aEIOS
    • Logs are due THIRTY (30) days after the event is over at 1800 UTC. An email confirmation will be sent when your log is received.
    • Paper logs will not be accepted.

Specific Instructions for WY4RC Operators:

  • Must sign up to operate at the linked sheet in the YARC Discord.
  • Must adhere to the scheduled times that you sign up for
  • Must operate the band and mode noted in the schedule
  • Must operate with at least 20W, but  100W+ is strongly recommended
    • Have your heart set on activating but don’t meet this requirement? Reach out to us on Discord
  • Must utilize the callsign WY4RC/n, where N is your call region.
    • By physical location, not your own callsign as listed at http://n5dux.com/ham/us-callareas/ 
    • Example: N2RTS is operating from Virginia. He would use WY4RC/4, not WY4RC/2
  • Must log all contacts into the YARC-WAYZ google sheet following your scheduled operating time. Logging into the sheet directly is OK, but you can also use your own logger to import later (as long as you manage the serial).
  • Operators are encouraged to call “CQ YARC”